Testing equipment

Strict Verification

Quality Assurance

The complete equipment realizes the perfection of the product. The tolerance of the product and the stability of various functions are verified by sufficient advanced equipment, so that the product has good quality while being innovative.

X-ray Inspection Machine
X-ray Inspection Machine
Constant Temp. and Humidity Tester
Constant Temp. and Humidity Tester
Low Temp. Tester
Low Temp. Tester
Electronic Circuit Signal Measurer
Electronic Circuit Signal Measurer
High Temp. Tester
High Temp. Tester
2.5D Image Size Measurer
2.5D Image Size Measurer
Large-scale Temp. and Humidity Tester
Large-scale Temp. and Humidity Tester
Pneumatic Isolator
Pneumatic Isolator
Video Signal Measurer
Video Signal Measurer
GPS Simulator
GPS Simulator
Optical Image Measurer
Optical Image Measurer
Ultrasonic Cleaner
Ultrasonic Cleaner